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Welcome to BBFC!

Welcome to the online home of the Brighton Bulldogs Football and Cheer. Our athletes  represent excellence both on and off the field, and we set our expectations high: study hard, train hard, and work hard. Our athletics program is unparalleled, thanks to a supportive community of parents and fans. Our experienced coaching staff specializes in building better athletes, students, and citizens. We emphasize teamwork and demand the personal commitment to "play like champions"—every practice, every game, every time.

The goal of Brighton Bulldogs Football and Cheer is is to win, but that is NOT the primary goal. The primary goal is to teach young athletes the benefits of team sports in a safe manner, to nurture their growth potential, and to provide them with an opportunity to compete with their peers while also demonstrating good sportsmanship and teamwork.


January 16 - 18 Lansing Michigan

Contact Coach Lemons if you plan to attend. BHS will pick up the cost for up to 10 coaches.    586-873-2295


BBFC Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 

Monday 01/13/2025


Approve Minutes from Previous Month’s Meeting - moved by Coach Cav; approved

Approval of Agenda  - moved by Coach Cav; approved

Attendance - Kevin Robinson, Nick Agnetti, Lisa Myers, Stephanie Carroll, Matt Unsworth, Aaron Hart, Chris Cogan, Matt Putra, Mike Lowney, Jason Moore, Mike Traicoff, Justin Scanlon, Amanda Mitchell, Erin Chunn, Heather Rogers, Ryan MacFadden, Emily Kocienski, Sarah White, Luke Blangero, Jenell Pasini, Josh Price, Richard Cavagnol, Troy Williams, Christine Wybo

Not present: Dan Novak

Reports of Officers

1. President (Kevin Robinson)

  • Welcome Returning Board Members & New Board Members Introductions

    • Meetings Minutes located on the BBFC Website.

  • Introduction of Executive Board & Roles

  • Board Member Attendance & Committee Expectations (Bylaws Revision Regarding Board Participation)

  • Confidentiality Overview

  • Board Meeting Dates, Times, Locations - 2nd Monday 7:00 PM, except in February due to Superbowl. Date/time/location TBD.

  • List of Committees, Brief Description of Each, Deadline for Board Members to Choose. Fill out google document and sign up for three committees (Stephanie has shared with Board)

  • 2024 Board Committee Lead Reports Document (Stephanie has shared with Board)

2. Vice President Football (Nick Agnetti) - Nick confirmed football advisory committee, BBFC usually pays for Glazier Coaching Clinic, Coaching Certifications will be coming. Registration committee will meet in the next week to finalize details. 

3. Vice President of Cheer (Lisa Myers) - Last night, the Cheer Board discussed: adding a new cheer clinic in May (fundraiser), the JV Cheer Expansion, recruiting new cheer coaches, aligning freshman level, working through game day issues, and working on/assigning cheer committees. Cheer would like to see more collaboration from football on all committees (equal representation). League meeting Jan. 26, will be attended by Jenell Pasini and Lisa Myers (they will represent BBFC). Next Cheer Board meeting is Feb. 17 online.

4. Secretary - BBFC Bylaws updated, policies and forms updated, vote on attorney use. Discussion in closed session. Vote to table until we get confirmation from Matt Unsworth about insurance rider / coverage. 

5. Treasurer - BBFC is on a spending freeze right now due to  large equipment purchases in 2024. Coaches and Board members may not use debit cards to make any purchases until after registration closes. All bills from 2024 are paid, invoices paid. We were late paying Brighton Area Schools for cheer space. Dog Duties had a dozen refunds from parents who already completed their Dog Duties; however, it was not recorded. Sarah White recommends that football hands the Dog Duties check back at Equipment Turn-in to eliminate this issue. Cheer has always submitted a yearly budget; BBFC needs a football budget moving forward. $100,000 was spent last year on the program expansion (added three new football teams and one new cheer team), which is why our funds are so low to start off the season. Josh Price noted that the big items purchased for football in the past two years will not need to be purchased again moving forward. Recommendation by Registration Committee to increase registration fees to cover new costs with another potential cheer expansion. Matt Unsworth commented that Cashless for admissions did not go well which is why we lost out on a lot of those funds. Sarah White recommended that the refund policy change moving forward. Nick Agnetti motioned to vote on increasing rates. Motion approved unanimously. 

IV. 2025 Committee Reports

a. Registration - Committee will meet later this week. Updates soon.

b. Homecoming/Pink Out - None

c. Varsity Banquet - None

d. Fundraising - With the amount of money spent last year on new equipment, we will need to add a fundraising plan. Food cards (e.g. Hungry Howies, etc.) were NOT effective last year, as parents forgot to turn back in or just chose not to sell them. Mums are always successful, we earned near $11,000 from the mums in 2024. Jenell Pasini suggested that we jump in Trivia Night for BBFC, coming up next month? Lisa and Jenell suggested using a link for donations for individual athletes, which is what the older grades do. 

e. Yearbook / Trophies - None

f.  Apparel / Iron Man Jerseys (Football) - None

g. Apparel / Iron Man Jerseys (Cheer) - None

h. Camps & Clinics

  • Clarification on Payments for Clinics - BBFC pays for coaches to attend. 

i.   BBFC Bylaws - Updated December 2024; all Board members and coaches need to read and review this document carefully before registration.

j.   Health & Safety - None

k. BBFC Website & Social Media - We will be adding registration dates to the website soon! Stephanie is working on advertising.

l.   Football Equipment - Josh Price gave updates on what needs to be refurbished for football in 2025 (approximately $30,000).

m.  Football Field Prep - None

n. Color Commissioners - Mike Lowney stepped up for Gray. The expectation is that commissioners are present for all three games to keep the keys within the Board members’ hands.

o. Game Day Coordinators - in 2024, we used parents for these roles and gave them an incentive of 50% off registration (reimbursement, end of season) and free concessions. Discussion to reach out and use the same parents as last year, as they were very reliable.

p. Dog Duties - Nick Kantola has graciously volunteered to be a consultant/mentor for this year even though he has stepped down. Suggestion to split cheer and football, and/or split by color. Clerical work isn’t challenging; the most challenging part is making sure the parents are at the right place at the right time. Making sure all roles/slots are filled at every game (clock, chain gang, etc.).  Heather Rogers and Amanda Mitchell stepped up. They are not coaches, so they think they can work together to get it done! Lisa Myers suggested having all Board members and coaches take a tour of Scranton and BHS fields to get used to where everything is and what the jobs look like.

q. Coaching Advisory Committee (Cheer) - Lisa Myers and Stephanie Carroll have reached out via email to last year’s cheer coaches to see who is returning. Stephanie reached out to potential instructional cheer coaches, since almost all of those slots are now vacant due to coaches moving up to the next level.

r.  Coaching Advisory Committee (Football) - Nick Agnetti said that he will be meeting with those who signed up for this committee very soon to figure out coaching needs and placements. 

s. Equipment Hand Out (Football) - None

t.  Equipment Hand Out (Cheer) - None

V. Unfinished Business

·   Parent Survey Responses - all head football coaches received survey responses from Nick Agnetti. Kim Oelslager, former VP of Cheer, shared surveys with cheer coaches last month.

VI. New Business

·   BBFC Bylaws Revision 2024 - Executive Boards of 2024 and 2025 have worked tirelessly to update this document, which has not been updated since 2015. League name updated, coaches code of conduct, athlete participation requirements, athletes with accommodations, board member requirements, and other areas have been updated.

·   2025 Registration Updates - Goal is to open registration in February and close it in April 2025. If everyone is registered by April 1, BBFC can invoice returning players and put the rest on a waitlist. Registration committee has a call scheduled with SportsEngine tomorrow. Afterwards, the committee will set up a meeting this week. Recommendation for Football to increase instructional to $200 and all other levels to $400. Recommendation to increase instructional cheer to $325 and other levels to $400. 

·   Code of Conduct Revisions - see website under policies and forms for all of the updated forms. 

·   Vote to Use Attorney If Needed - Confidential information explained during closed session regarding a cheer/athlete issue in 2024. Vote needed to retain attorney to represent BBFC in the event the issue from 2024 cheer arises again in 2025. Vote tabled to next meeting, pending insurance policy review by Matt Unsworth.

·   2025 JV Cheer Expansion - Lisa Myers outlined what the expansion would look like for JV as well as freshman cheer reorganization (game day colors). 

VII. Motion to Adjourn 

Motion by Coach Cav, second by  Kevin Robinson. Adjourned 9:09pm.

Minutes submitted by Stephanie Carroll, BBFC Secretary.

"Play Hard, Play Smart and Play Together”. Hard means with effort, determination and courage; Smart means with proper execution and poise; Together means unselfishly, trusting your teammates and doing everything possible not to let them down.


PRESIDENT - Kevin Robinson     (
V.P. FOOTBALL - Nick Agnetti     (
V.P. CHEER - Lisa Cheresko     (
TREASURER - Matt Unsworth     (
SECRETARY - Stephanie Carroll    (

WEBMASTER - Coach Cav    (

BBFC and BHS Games are Cashless!

BHS Games – Youth Night

  • Athletes in uniform get in free (youth night only). Parents will need to purchase tickets at GoFan.
  • Purchase electronic tickets only through
  • The Brighton-specific link is:
  • Or use the GoFan app.
  • Large signs with the GoFan QR code will also be available on-site. No cash sales.
  • Senior Citizens 62+ and kids under 5 are free.

BBFC Games

Similar to the high school, BBFC will also be going cashless this year.  For our cashless option, we will be leveraging Venmo. 

  • At the gate, there will be a QR code that can be scanned to purchase admission.  No cash sales.
  • Price will remain $5 per person, $20 max per family.
  • Senior Citizens 62+ and kids under 5 are free.

How do youth sports boost participants' confidence?
Youth sports gives children a sense of belonging and purpose. It surrounds them with mentors who get involved with their lives and make them feel valued. Sports teaches young athletes that they can handle any challenge that comes their way.

"Winners never quit and quitters never win." -Vince Lombardi

“You either get the job done, or you don’t.” -Bill Belichick

Brighton Bulldogs Football and Cheer Sponsors

Interested in becoming a sponsor of Brighton Bulldogs Football and Cheer?

Contact BBFC

ADDRESS: P.O. Box 468 Brighton, Michigan 48116 


BBFC Social Media